Last night I had the pleasure of witnessing an Entered Apprentice degree put on by the gentlemen of Nooksack Valley Lodge. What a show! The work was flawless, and the Lodge itself is amazing! The ceremony was done in full costume, and must have taken an incredible amount of effort and time to get it to that level. As the pictures show the Lodge is a museum of Masonic history of this little slice of the Valley. From the foyer to the Lodge room the whole building has a great feeling of comfort, warmth, and welcoming.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Nooksack Valley #105 or The NW Masonic Museum!
Ever have one of those days?
Well it started off great following a stellar degree presentation at Nooksack #105 last night(story and pics to follow) and quickly began running down hill at light speed, engine light came on in the car on the way to work, short two guys and all hell was breaking loose at the counter.......then he came in. I saw him perusing some chrome stacks, some bling for the dash....then I saw it. The pendant dangling off his gold chain..the S&C! Thinking back to another encounter with a buckle wearing impostor I scanned this fellow for even more clues, and spotted the ring and a watch!!!!! Boom, gotcha! 'Are you a travelling man' I asked. 'What' he said, I work with truckers all day so I know it can be a bit of a loaded question, but I knew he heard me and I repeated the question anyway, to which an answer in the affirmative was given. 'Mt.Zion #120', I said. 'Saskatchewan #92' he replied. We exchanged tokens. BSed about the pros and cons of modern day diesels vs their more aged counter parts while he waited for his ride. It was one of the coolest experiences I have had since joining, and one I have really looked forward to. Meeting an otherwise perfect stranger only to realize the brotherly bond of Masonry and dwell peacefully within it! The rest of the day was a cake walk, couldn't even remember how much of a crapfest it was to start off. Hope to see you again real soon Brother Heinz! Come back anytime!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Having a great time!
We just had our final meeting for the year and I just wanted to say what a great time I am having so far. So far every meeting I have been to I meet someone new, and true to form they are all great guys! And....I've been found out! One of my Brothers came up to me tonight and commented on my blog and how much he liked it! I wondered when someone would catch on to my musings! I guess it was just a matter of time. Some of my favorite moments to date have been the time after Lodge is closed tyle when we as Brothers can sit around a table and speak of how we try and make Masonry more than just a few hours every couple of weeks. How these men truly try and apply the principals of Brotherly Love, Truth, and Relief every day! In my everyday life I am usually the boisterous clown, quick with a line, or sarcastic quip. But within the walls of my Lodge and the company of my Brothers, I keep quiet and just absorb everything I can. I love to hear the stories of how Lodge was back in the day, and listening to members laying out their hopes and plans as they contemplate holding senior positions. I always come from Lodge feeling recharged and peaceful.
Memory work is going great, FC obligation down solid, just working on the QA now! A little tougher for this degree. Feel a bit guilty about moving so quickly through the degrees but I think doing the memorization certainly helps me to understand the work so much better. As I did the EA work it was amazing as I worked on it line by line, how the meaning and the weight of the statements make themselves clear and sensible even though the language can be a bit awkward. The FC work has been a bit different because of the slight historical twist that has proven at times a bit difficult for your author to research it to his own satisfaction. But I shall press on!!
Have a great day Brothers!
J-P aka Lightseeker!
Memory work is going great, FC obligation down solid, just working on the QA now! A little tougher for this degree. Feel a bit guilty about moving so quickly through the degrees but I think doing the memorization certainly helps me to understand the work so much better. As I did the EA work it was amazing as I worked on it line by line, how the meaning and the weight of the statements make themselves clear and sensible even though the language can be a bit awkward. The FC work has been a bit different because of the slight historical twist that has proven at times a bit difficult for your author to research it to his own satisfaction. But I shall press on!!
Have a great day Brothers!
J-P aka Lightseeker!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Say hello to your new FellowCraft!

Proud to say I went though my proficiency tonight with flying colors! What made me feel the best about what happened tonite, was that I was able show my respect and admiration for the brothers in my Lodge by giving the best possible demonstration of my work! Looking forward to learning my new work and presenting it as best I can!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My EA Proficiency!

This morning we had our practice and a testing of my proficiency of the Entered Apprentice degree. I am proud to say I had it all down word for word. One of the three candidates who I was initiated with, was not able to attend and is not able prove up. The other candidate, I really felt bad for. He had the majority of the ceremony memorized but had not been able to get the obligation down and will not be able to be passed either. During my own recital of the obligation I started shaking uncontrollably. I can't figure out why, I know the work and I wasn't especially nervous about reciting it in front of a crowd but just couldn't stop shaking. I could feel the power of the words as I spoke them and believe wholeheartedly in what I am saying, why then do I start shaking like a damn leaf in the wind? Maybe it was just worrying about getting it all right, and now that I know everything is indeed locked in my head Tuesday night will be a cake walk and I can be a bit more relaxed! All in all it has been an exciting and fantastic start to my journey in Freemasonry, and I am very much looking forward to being passed to FellowCraft on Tuesday evening!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Wow, there's still more room in there!
Well I thought I had taken up all available room in my brain with anniversary dates, useless trivia and even more useless part numbers. But no, I have actually managed to memorize my obligation. Actually I had it down solid by the middle of last week and now have moved on to the Q&A sections, which to me seem to be a little more difficult. Since it will be a back and forth exercise, it has been a little tougher for me to get square in my head. Although with two weeks to go I'm feeling pretty confident I'll have it all down pat.
On another note, about a week and half ago I had the opportunity to take advantage of our privilege as Freemasons, and that is visiting others Lodges. I was invited to witness the EA degree only 3 days after my own had been conferred, at Southern Cross #44! It was a great honor to represent my own Lodge for the first time and meet more great men! Also seeing the degree presented so soon after my own allowed me to witness how the Brethren work together to bring new men in, and how sincere and solemn these men are in their extension of Brotherly Love. I was even invited to take part in the ceremony at pivotal point for the new candidates! We were also lucky enough to have the acting WM give us a lecture on the Officer's chairs and our responsibility to educate ourselves in preparation of being seated in those chairs in the following years. I did unfortunatley have to leave at the end of the meeting that night and was not able to stay for the festive board, but like another Mason has said before me 'I came through and I shall return!' Thanks again to the Brothers of Southern Cross for a wonderful evening!
On another note, about a week and half ago I had the opportunity to take advantage of our privilege as Freemasons, and that is visiting others Lodges. I was invited to witness the EA degree only 3 days after my own had been conferred, at Southern Cross #44! It was a great honor to represent my own Lodge for the first time and meet more great men! Also seeing the degree presented so soon after my own allowed me to witness how the Brethren work together to bring new men in, and how sincere and solemn these men are in their extension of Brotherly Love. I was even invited to take part in the ceremony at pivotal point for the new candidates! We were also lucky enough to have the acting WM give us a lecture on the Officer's chairs and our responsibility to educate ourselves in preparation of being seated in those chairs in the following years. I did unfortunatley have to leave at the end of the meeting that night and was not able to stay for the festive board, but like another Mason has said before me 'I came through and I shall return!' Thanks again to the Brothers of Southern Cross for a wonderful evening!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Brother Trudeau, Mt. Zion #120
What a great night! It was incredibly moving and surreal! I was the first of 3 candidates to arrive last night and after meeting the few brothers that had arrived early, I had the opportunity to stand back and watch other men arrive, greeting each other with eyes full of respect and true friendship!
There is so much I could put here about my experience last last night, but at the risk of sounding like a big sappy baby, or revealling info which may be better left as a mystery to those seeking to petition. I'll keep it short and sweet. I am looking forward to getting to know the men of Mt.Zion #120, learning about the craft and my position in it!
Now to get my Obligation memorized!
There is so much I could put here about my experience last last night, but at the risk of sounding like a big sappy baby, or revealling info which may be better left as a mystery to those seeking to petition. I'll keep it short and sweet. I am looking forward to getting to know the men of Mt.Zion #120, learning about the craft and my position in it!
Now to get my Obligation memorized!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Last Night!
Just a quick note to commemorate my last night pre-Freemason! Been thinking about it all day! Gonna be just about impossible to not stop staring at the clock tomorrow!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Final Weekend!

Well it is only a matter of days now before my initiation. Yesterday my son and I drove down from Kamloops and talked about my forthcoming initiation, how I began the journey and what it all means to me! Because he lives a fair distance away we don't get alot of time together, it was really cool to be able to talk about my reasons for joining and his genuine intrest in the subject!
I also spoke to my mentor last week, and we arranged for him to pick me up and take me to the Lodge on Tuesday night, to help with introductions and get me ready prior to the ceremony! There will be three of us on Tuesday night, nice that there will be a couple of other fellows to work with as we move through the degrees! My mom keeps asking me when it is going to happen, I think she is more excited than I am! Suit has been pressed, shirt ironed and a new blue tie already to go! Let the journey begin!
P.S. Shout out to Fred, Rob, and Drew; Three men who have been instrumental in showing me the true meaning of Brotherly love and who personify Freemasonry, can't wait to join you as a brother!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
15 days and the K.o.P.
Well it's just 15 short days till my initiation now! A couple of very cool things took place this weekend. It was my birthday on Friday, and it is a scant 3 years now till the big 4-0! I can clearly remember things that happen over 30 years ago, hopefully when I am 70 I can remember those days as clearly as I do now!
My mother gave me one of the best birthday presents ever... my grandfathers Knights of Pythias ring. His involvement in the KoP was one of my reasons to join Freemasonry. Although different, some similarities seem to exist between the organizations. The simple 3 word creeds of the FM and KoP are similar, Fraternity, Relief, Truth and Freindship, Charity, Benevolence. Since my Grandpa died when I was 11, I never really got to know him that well or ask him about his involvement in KoP. I was however, always proud of his affiliation with an organization that requires similar character traits as FM. Since petitioning I found out when he recieved his degrees and exactly which lodge he attended! Here's to you Grandpa! Love you!
Garvin Esmund Preston
Page: March 25 1961
Esquire: April 22 1961
Knight: May 27 1961
Royal City #6
New Westminster BC Canada
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hurry up and wait, and how to wake the neighborhood dogs!
Seems to be the most popular phrase, besides 'Take good men and make them better', or 'a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols'. It is now exactly 1 month away from my initiation. But instead of going on and on about how excited I am about joining I will let you all in on one of my hobbies. Pulse Jet Engines!!! I build the valveless kind. A true fuel burning, thrust producing engine that has zero moving parts! My son and I built this last version, and man is she loud! I didn't get it officially running but had it popping and producing a beautiful blue flame, as well getting the body of teh engine to reach about 500deg F in about 10 seconds, as an added bonus I'm sure every dog in the neighborhood was also aware of my testing! I don't think I have ever heard them all bark at the same time before! It was the first time I have run one of my engines in my garage, the other two are way too big! The wife got home just as I was wrapping things up, and I tried to impress her with my skills and she literally ran and hid behind her car while yelling at me to stop! Couldn't hear a word!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sweating Bullets!
Well the day finally came and my soon to be Brethren voted to confer the degree of Entered Apprentice on me. On Tuesday, evening the good men of Mt. Zion #120 in beautiful Chilliwack BC, agreed that I am worthy to receive the light of Freemasonry! My sponsor had told me he would call me after the vote to let me know how it went. I stayed up until 11pm, about an hour after my regular bedtime awaiting his call. No call came, my mind started to race. Was I blackballed, was the vote postponed, was it simply too late and he didn't call out of courtesy. Damn I worry too much. So I called him around 10am; no answer...........right, it went poorly now he's avoiding me, not wanting to burst my bubble so to speak! So all day I wait, no call. 6pm arrives I'm off work, I call. My sponser answers and tells me that he was going to call the next day, keeping me in suspense! 'The vote was a favorable one', he says, 'initiation will be late October!'. I am so stoked! Just wish there was something I could do in the meantime, besides wait! Oh well, color me excited!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
1 week before the vote.....
It has taken more than a week to compose this latest entry. I have always found it difficult to put my feelings to print or to words. I think it mostly come from having so many thoughts and emotions that it can sometimes be hard to form them together in a consice, logical format. As the month has rolled by and I have thought of the brethren of the Lodge I have petitioned get ready to come back from summer, one of their first duties will be to vote on my request to join them. I have struggled to find the words to describe what joining such a fraternity has meant to me. So like I'm sure many men have done before me I have tried to read what other masons have put to paper, and one man's writings keep pulling me forward; Manly Hall. I think I have read the Lost Keys of Freemasonry at least a dozen times, that is only up and to the end of the exerpt about the Entered Apprentice. I just can't bring myself to read further. I don't want to spoil the 'suprise'. The emotions that he describes match my own, it is sometimes un-nerving, but comforting at the same time. How does a man at 25 write so beautifully and so sussinctly about feelings shared by men from all over the world, from so many creeds, religions, and cultures.
I would guess that the comfort I get comes from knowing that I am not alone as I stand at the beginning of my journey. I can close my eyes and feel the presence of men all over the world standing at my back, not pushing me forward, but not letting me retreat in fear of not living up to my own expectations. The story of Chillon pacing in his cell, listening to the waves swish and lap, yearning to feel the warm light of the open sky, is not unknown to me. I have felt like I had some kind of unfinished work to do, but never could put my finger on the means to continue it. And in 1 short week it will be decided whether or not I will be presented the tools to begin that work!
'Many have read the story of the prisoner of Chillon who paced back and forth in the narrow confines of his prison cell, while the blue waters rolled ceaselessly above his head and the only sound that broke the stillness of his eternal night was the constant swishing and lapping of the waves. We pity the prisoner in his physical tomb and we are sad at heart, for we know how life loves liberty. But there is one prisoner whose plight is far worse than those of earth. He has not even the narrow confines of a prison cell around Him; He cannot pace ceaselessly to and fro and wear ruts in the cobblestones of His dungeon floor. That eternal Prisoner is Life incarnate within the dark stone walls of matter, with not a single ray to brighten the blackness of His fate. He fights eternally, praying in the dark confines of gloomy walls for light and opportunity. This is the eternal Prisoner who, through the ceaseless ages of cosmic unfoldment, through forms unnumbered an d species now unknown, strives eternally to libe rate Himself and gain self conscious expression, the birthright of every created thing. He awaits the day when, standing upon the rocks that now form His shapeless tomb, He may raise His arms to heaven, bathed in the sunlight of spiritual freedom, free to join the sparkling atoms and dancing light-beings released from the bonds of prison wall and tomb.'
exerpt from The Lost Keys of Freemasonry; the Candidate, Manly P. Hall
I would guess that the comfort I get comes from knowing that I am not alone as I stand at the beginning of my journey. I can close my eyes and feel the presence of men all over the world standing at my back, not pushing me forward, but not letting me retreat in fear of not living up to my own expectations. The story of Chillon pacing in his cell, listening to the waves swish and lap, yearning to feel the warm light of the open sky, is not unknown to me. I have felt like I had some kind of unfinished work to do, but never could put my finger on the means to continue it. And in 1 short week it will be decided whether or not I will be presented the tools to begin that work!
'Many have read the story of the prisoner of Chillon who paced back and forth in the narrow confines of his prison cell, while the blue waters rolled ceaselessly above his head and the only sound that broke the stillness of his eternal night was the constant swishing and lapping of the waves. We pity the prisoner in his physical tomb and we are sad at heart, for we know how life loves liberty. But there is one prisoner whose plight is far worse than those of earth. He has not even the narrow confines of a prison cell around Him; He cannot pace ceaselessly to and fro and wear ruts in the cobblestones of His dungeon floor. That eternal Prisoner is Life incarnate within the dark stone walls of matter, with not a single ray to brighten the blackness of His fate. He fights eternally, praying in the dark confines of gloomy walls for light and opportunity. This is the eternal Prisoner who, through the ceaseless ages of cosmic unfoldment, through forms unnumbered an d species now unknown, strives eternally to libe rate Himself and gain self conscious expression, the birthright of every created thing. He awaits the day when, standing upon the rocks that now form His shapeless tomb, He may raise His arms to heaven, bathed in the sunlight of spiritual freedom, free to join the sparkling atoms and dancing light-beings released from the bonds of prison wall and tomb.'
exerpt from The Lost Keys of Freemasonry; the Candidate, Manly P. Hall
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My Friend Receives Light!
Good luck(like he needs it) to Freddo tonight! He is being initiated Jerusalem Lodge #506 tonight! This good man receives his first rays of light this evening, and I just wanted to post how glad I am to know him, and what a great friend he has been! You the man Fred, soak it all up! I'll be following quickly behind you!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Weird Dream!
Had the weirdest dream last night! Drempt I was present at some kind of Lodge meeting where a vote was taking place. The room was dimly lit and I could make out many men sitting around the edges of the room. I was holding some kind of ballot box and members were coming up and placing their votes. Then one of my customers from work appeared, not one I would immediatly think was a Mason, and whipped out a pack of cards to help him make his decision! I was freaked, he was using the fall of a card decide his vote! He then took a seat outside the room we were all in, but still within my line of sight. Then an elderly woman entered the room from another doorway across from me. She was dressed in white with a shawl over her head but not covering her face. Suddenly someone turned all the lights on, and I was was bekoned out to the foyer by my customer who had been waiting there since he cast his 'vote'. I went over and sat down beside him. The next thing I know I am being introduced to all the men inside as they file out of the room.
That was basically the last thing I remember about the dream, it was incredibly real. It was kind of unsettling as the vote on my petition takes place in about 3 weeks! I have had these kinds of dreams all the time since I was a kid, always before some important event! Not that I am worried about the vote going negativly, but I guess the possibility is always there. I must admit I can be a pessimist, usually doubting my own abilities and worry about how people view me! Not that I have any specific reasons, I almost always rise to the occasion when push comes to shove, and always put forth the best face I can and give all that I am able to complete any task given to me! Maybe it is the fear of failure that makes me even more aware of the fact that I must try and do my best to go above and beyond what is expected? With the vote coming up fast, I am expecting more of these kinds of dreams. I just hope that I can actually get some sleep!
That was basically the last thing I remember about the dream, it was incredibly real. It was kind of unsettling as the vote on my petition takes place in about 3 weeks! I have had these kinds of dreams all the time since I was a kid, always before some important event! Not that I am worried about the vote going negativly, but I guess the possibility is always there. I must admit I can be a pessimist, usually doubting my own abilities and worry about how people view me! Not that I have any specific reasons, I almost always rise to the occasion when push comes to shove, and always put forth the best face I can and give all that I am able to complete any task given to me! Maybe it is the fear of failure that makes me even more aware of the fact that I must try and do my best to go above and beyond what is expected? With the vote coming up fast, I am expecting more of these kinds of dreams. I just hope that I can actually get some sleep!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Interesting Beginnings!
Since my journey began I have run across some interesting stories of how different Lodges aquired their names. Most have been named after geographical areas, cities, persons of note etc. One story related to me is of South Africa Lodge #6742, in London England,founded by returning veterans of military service in S.A., see here
Another tale that will put a smile on your face goes, 'the lodge was started by a group of men who had built a tavern in the Gold Rush town of Rich Bar. Their wives had been less than enthused, and quickly burned the place to the ground. The Masons chose "Sincerity" as their name to let their women and state dignitaries know that they were sincere in their desire to better themselves in the virtues still taught in lodges today: temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.' see here
And my personal favorite, in the wake of Aldrin's Masonic space mission, the Grand Lodge of Texas formed Tranquility Lodge No. 2000, named after Tranquility Base, the location of Apollo 11's landing. According to the lodge website,
On July 20, 1969, two American Astronauts landed on the moon of the planet Earth, in an area known as Mare Tranquilitatis , or "Sea of Tranquility". One of those brave men was Brother Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417, AF&AM, Seabrook, Texas. Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20, 1969. see full story posted here
I would like to ask anyone who reads this blog and has an interesting, funny, obscurely named Lodge, I would like to know about it. In fact feel free to post any weird or half way interesting tales, ghost stories(I'm sure there is at least one haunted Lodge out there), rumors etc about your Lodge, I love'em all! Feel free to post in the comments section or e-mail it to me and I will include them in a future posting.
Another tale that will put a smile on your face goes, 'the lodge was started by a group of men who had built a tavern in the Gold Rush town of Rich Bar. Their wives had been less than enthused, and quickly burned the place to the ground. The Masons chose "Sincerity" as their name to let their women and state dignitaries know that they were sincere in their desire to better themselves in the virtues still taught in lodges today: temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.' see here
And my personal favorite, in the wake of Aldrin's Masonic space mission, the Grand Lodge of Texas formed Tranquility Lodge No. 2000, named after Tranquility Base, the location of Apollo 11's landing. According to the lodge website,
On July 20, 1969, two American Astronauts landed on the moon of the planet Earth, in an area known as Mare Tranquilitatis , or "Sea of Tranquility". One of those brave men was Brother Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417, AF&AM, Seabrook, Texas. Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20, 1969. see full story posted here
I would like to ask anyone who reads this blog and has an interesting, funny, obscurely named Lodge, I would like to know about it. In fact feel free to post any weird or half way interesting tales, ghost stories(I'm sure there is at least one haunted Lodge out there), rumors etc about your Lodge, I love'em all! Feel free to post in the comments section or e-mail it to me and I will include them in a future posting.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Meeting new friends!
This weekend I had the opportunity to meet face to face with a pair of brothers,Drew and Rob, during some free time while attending my sister-in-laws wedding. Let me start off by saying that these two gentlemen are shining examples of what I percieve to be the best reasons to join Freemasonry. After meeting both of these men via the 'intra-net' and getting past the basic introductions both were more than happy to extend themselves, and their time to me. Having some free time away from wedding prep, I was able to meet them downtown Edmonton, and spend an hour talking about how we all were led down the different highways in life, but met at the same crossroads.
One a son of missionaries, punk rock band member, the other a freestyle skier, and downhill longboarder. As we gathered together over drinks at a local coffee shop, I remarked of how I thought the 3 of us were definetly NOT the face of FM today, and could not have been corrected more quickly by these two fellows! I should mention that until this day both men did not know each other, and they quickly related to me that at least in their own Lodges, that the face of FM has indeed started to become a younger one and one continuing to be filled with many different roads and experiences that have led these men to their Lodges.
It was really cool to be able to spend an hour with these two gentlemen, and hear their personal experiences while exploring the world since discovering FM. Drew had a great story about Cuba, and although he never was able to confim that his relief came directly from a brother there, it had to have been more than mere coincedence! When the three of us parted company that afternoon it was very apparant that I had gained not only two good friends, but if all goes well at my Lodges vote on my petition, I have gained two brothers of man as well. Cheers to you both!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
False Representation!
Has anyone seen somebody wearing or displaying the symbols of FM, but they weren't a Mason at all?
I had an experience yesterday which left me with a couple of questions. A man approached my desk with a beautiful belt buckle displaying the square and compass. As a petitioner it immediately caught my eye and I began to ask him a few questions during our business to broach the subject without being completely overt. I asked him where he lived, he answered with the same city I live in. Sweet, I thought. Then I asked what lodge he belonged to, to which he replied, 'Oh you mean my belt buckle, I got it in Mexico. My name is Gordon, I like the G in the middle.' He also said he gets asked quite frequently about about, and more or less the same queries: Where are you from, what lodge etc.
I was kind of disappointed, I thought I had a Mason from my hometown and possibly the lodge I was petitioning standing in front of me. Was pretty bummed for the rest of the day! Why would you continue to display symbols such as these and be questioned on a regular basis only to reply in the negative everytime? Maybe he had no idea of the richness of the symbols and the close brotherhood that keeps and guards these symbols. Too bad!
I had an experience yesterday which left me with a couple of questions. A man approached my desk with a beautiful belt buckle displaying the square and compass. As a petitioner it immediately caught my eye and I began to ask him a few questions during our business to broach the subject without being completely overt. I asked him where he lived, he answered with the same city I live in. Sweet, I thought. Then I asked what lodge he belonged to, to which he replied, 'Oh you mean my belt buckle, I got it in Mexico. My name is Gordon, I like the G in the middle.' He also said he gets asked quite frequently about about, and more or less the same queries: Where are you from, what lodge etc.
I was kind of disappointed, I thought I had a Mason from my hometown and possibly the lodge I was petitioning standing in front of me. Was pretty bummed for the rest of the day! Why would you continue to display symbols such as these and be questioned on a regular basis only to reply in the negative everytime? Maybe he had no idea of the richness of the symbols and the close brotherhood that keeps and guards these symbols. Too bad!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Update Time!
Ok, its update time! Since my last entry, I met and recieved my petition from one of the local lodge members. I filled the petition out right away and handed it in in time to be presented in lodge before the summer break. My petition was in fact read and the Investagative Committee was formed and visited on Monday night! What a nerve wracking experience, I have never done well with job interviews or the like, but the whole thing went very well. There were supposed to be three gentleman but only one was able to make it! A very nice guy who asked my all the usual questions and adressed a couple of my wifes concerns. Took about an hour, swapped a few stories about football and logging, overall a very positive experience! The next day a recieved a letter in the mail from the Secretary of the Lodge letting me know basically the details I have described here. So if everything goes as described my petition will be balloted on Sept 1 and confirming the EA degree on Sept 15! Never thought I would say this but, I wish summer was over already!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Journeys and Signs!
My beginning endeavour into Freemaosnry feels somewhat like starting a long road trip. First there is a certain amount of planning and preparation prior to starting out down the road, and this journey of mine is no different. I spent time researching and learning what I could about my local Lodges, as well as info from other juresdictions, articles on Anti-Freemasonry, videos made by Masons. I almost purchased a copy of my Province's constitution I found in a used book store.
I am unrelenting in my pursuit of knowledge, but what I have found is almost too much information, and I have to take a break and decompress a bit. I even thought about going down to my local Lodge the other night and introducing myself, but remembered what the Secretary had told me about the speed at which the Lodge moves at, and I resigned myself to waiting for the next contact. Although I feel prepared for the journey about to begin, it almost feels like I have to manouver through a gauntlet of check points and guards to check my rediness for the road ahead. I am ready to put the foot to the floor, but I notice to speed limit is set much lower!
Although not even initiated I already have noticed my day to day dealings are starting to be tempered with a new sense of purpose and outlook for the future. Why can't all men whether affiliated or not treat each other with brotherly affection, truth, and equality? Does it mean you will have to bite your tongue at times? Yes. Does it mean you will have to extend you hand to a man who doesn't deserve it? Yes. Does it mean you will have to be truthful to be sincere? Yes.
I want to live this way regardless of the fact that I am a Mason or not. To be a Mason, I suppose is to hold these values close to heart, and defend them utterly! What a wonderful obligation!
Ever notice that things that appeared all over the place no seem to disapppear when you start looking for them. I swear I saw compass and squares on about every second car prior to my reaching out, but I haven't seen but one since. It was a Shriner ensignia on a moped carried by a van as I sped down the highway on the way to work. I am especially trying to find them in and around the city I live in hoping to 'bump' into a local Lodge member and at least get my face in a few heads before I actually get to Lodge. Just seems like on of those weird things in life, like how you are more apt to notice a vehicle if it is the same make and model of your own. It can be difficult to find people to trust, to talk to about my feelings. It would be great if I could find myself a local Mason to bounce my feelings and ideas off of.
I am unrelenting in my pursuit of knowledge, but what I have found is almost too much information, and I have to take a break and decompress a bit. I even thought about going down to my local Lodge the other night and introducing myself, but remembered what the Secretary had told me about the speed at which the Lodge moves at, and I resigned myself to waiting for the next contact. Although I feel prepared for the journey about to begin, it almost feels like I have to manouver through a gauntlet of check points and guards to check my rediness for the road ahead. I am ready to put the foot to the floor, but I notice to speed limit is set much lower!
Although not even initiated I already have noticed my day to day dealings are starting to be tempered with a new sense of purpose and outlook for the future. Why can't all men whether affiliated or not treat each other with brotherly affection, truth, and equality? Does it mean you will have to bite your tongue at times? Yes. Does it mean you will have to extend you hand to a man who doesn't deserve it? Yes. Does it mean you will have to be truthful to be sincere? Yes.
I want to live this way regardless of the fact that I am a Mason or not. To be a Mason, I suppose is to hold these values close to heart, and defend them utterly! What a wonderful obligation!
Ever notice that things that appeared all over the place no seem to disapppear when you start looking for them. I swear I saw compass and squares on about every second car prior to my reaching out, but I haven't seen but one since. It was a Shriner ensignia on a moped carried by a van as I sped down the highway on the way to work. I am especially trying to find them in and around the city I live in hoping to 'bump' into a local Lodge member and at least get my face in a few heads before I actually get to Lodge. Just seems like on of those weird things in life, like how you are more apt to notice a vehicle if it is the same make and model of your own. It can be difficult to find people to trust, to talk to about my feelings. It would be great if I could find myself a local Mason to bounce my feelings and ideas off of.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Love your wife!
First off, Happy Mother's Day! My mom after hearing of my intention to join Freemasonry, called me and reminded me that her father had been a Knight of Pythias, my grandma and she were both involved their respective orders within KP, and that my step-fathers dad was a Mason. It's kind of funny how when you start some dialogue about Freemason's and suddenly they start popping out of the woodwork.
My wife has not always had the most positive opinion of the Freemasons. Her ex's father was one and her opinion of him is less than positive to say the least, and it generated some fairly heated discussions about my reasons for looking in to joining Freemasonry! At one point it seemed she was so against the idea that I may have to call and withdraw my request. But after many debate filled nights and tense feelings my lovely wife came to me yesterday morning, with her eyes still wet from tears. 'Whats up I asked', to which she replied 'I am going to support you 100% to be a Freemason'.
I sometimes forget that my wife knows me better than anyone else alive. We have been married for 9 years now and she is the the best woman I could ever hope for. She is the direction for my strength and focus and I could not imagine life with out her. I am a better man for knowing her and I hope I can be a better man for her!
My wife has not always had the most positive opinion of the Freemasons. Her ex's father was one and her opinion of him is less than positive to say the least, and it generated some fairly heated discussions about my reasons for looking in to joining Freemasonry! At one point it seemed she was so against the idea that I may have to call and withdraw my request. But after many debate filled nights and tense feelings my lovely wife came to me yesterday morning, with her eyes still wet from tears. 'Whats up I asked', to which she replied 'I am going to support you 100% to be a Freemason'.
I sometimes forget that my wife knows me better than anyone else alive. We have been married for 9 years now and she is the the best woman I could ever hope for. She is the direction for my strength and focus and I could not imagine life with out her. I am a better man for knowing her and I hope I can be a better man for her!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Patience is the Key!
After contacting the Grand Secretary yesterday I am feeling a bit more relaxed. He mentioned a few things which make me feel more positive about my chances of gaining entrance to this brotherhood of men.
He made mention of my enthusiasm a few times, as well as the need for younger members like my self. He managed to get it into one metaphor which stuck in my head, 'We don't let fish off the hook.' He also mentioned that he has forwarded my info to the Secretary in my jurisdiction, but the due to the nature of the way information is handled it may be longer than I expect for contact from a lodge in my city! I guess with the average age of most masons the computer and electronic communication isn't the most used tool in their shop! I know that one lodge met in my city last night, I hope my interest was at least noted during the evening but who really knows? If it was, hopefully I get to attend some social events over the summer and meet some of the local Lodge members.
Closing this entry off, I am looking forward to the fall and as it approaches I am going to keep my eyes open for Freemasons and hopefully find out why they chose the Craft for themselves. This leads me to a question for Masons who end up reading this one day: Why did you join Freemasonry?
He made mention of my enthusiasm a few times, as well as the need for younger members like my self. He managed to get it into one metaphor which stuck in my head, 'We don't let fish off the hook.' He also mentioned that he has forwarded my info to the Secretary in my jurisdiction, but the due to the nature of the way information is handled it may be longer than I expect for contact from a lodge in my city! I guess with the average age of most masons the computer and electronic communication isn't the most used tool in their shop! I know that one lodge met in my city last night, I hope my interest was at least noted during the evening but who really knows? If it was, hopefully I get to attend some social events over the summer and meet some of the local Lodge members.
Closing this entry off, I am looking forward to the fall and as it approaches I am going to keep my eyes open for Freemasons and hopefully find out why they chose the Craft for themselves. This leads me to a question for Masons who end up reading this one day: Why did you join Freemasonry?
Friday, May 1, 2009
I don't even know if I will be accepted...
This could be one of the shortest blogs in history. I started my journey towards being a freemason a couple of nights ago. I got off work late and after literally years of wondering if the Craft was something I truly wanted to participate in came to its final answer as I typed out an e-mail requesting contact and admission. The reply came the next morning, it was like opening a present. I knew the information would be fairly generic, but at the same time it was still exciting to see the reply come so quickly. I may not be accepted, and thus will end this blog quickly, but if I am accepted I hope to leave a record of my thoughts and hopefully hear some accepted Freemasons, and anyone else who cares to read these lines.
I started this blog as a kind of sounding board for myself, and hopefully a connection with other men who seek out the Freemasons. I found a blog here that was really well done but it seems the author has not updated it in over a year. Reading some of his earlier posts, I find the same feelings, excitement and nervousness!
Now that I have forwarded my contact information to the Provicial Grand Secretary I wait like a patient school girl for the next phone call or e-mail!KSL007309111
I started this blog as a kind of sounding board for myself, and hopefully a connection with other men who seek out the Freemasons. I found a blog here that was really well done but it seems the author has not updated it in over a year. Reading some of his earlier posts, I find the same feelings, excitement and nervousness!
Now that I have forwarded my contact information to the Provicial Grand Secretary I wait like a patient school girl for the next phone call or e-mail!KSL007309111
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