Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Patience is the Key!

After contacting the Grand Secretary yesterday I am feeling a bit more relaxed. He mentioned a few things which make me feel more positive about my chances of gaining entrance to this brotherhood of men.

He made mention of my enthusiasm a few times, as well as the need for younger members like my self. He managed to get it into one metaphor which stuck in my head, 'We don't let fish off the hook.' He also mentioned that he has forwarded my info to the Secretary in my jurisdiction, but the due to the nature of the way information is handled it may be longer than I expect for contact from a lodge in my city! I guess with the average age of most masons the computer and electronic communication isn't the most used tool in their shop! I know that one lodge met in my city last night, I hope my interest was at least noted during the evening but who really knows? If it was, hopefully I get to attend some social events over the summer and meet some of the local Lodge members.

Closing this entry off, I am looking forward to the fall and as it approaches I am going to keep my eyes open for Freemasons and hopefully find out why they chose the Craft for themselves. This leads me to a question for Masons who end up reading this one day: Why did you join Freemasonry?


  1. I found your blog with some interest. Both you and I are in a similar position right now. I have been interested in Freemasonry for some years because my father-in-law (who lives in Florida; I live in Pennsylvania) is a Mason and has spoken well of the fraternity and its good works. The community service angle is why I am interesting in joining the Fraternity.

    I e-mailed my Grand Lodge in Pennsylvania two weeks ago and got a reply back right around the end of the two weeks; the party I contacted (a Deputy District Grand Master) said he wanted to meet with me at his Lodge (Jerusalem # 506 in Philadelphia) to discuss my interest in Freemasonry. I was there on Monday, and I met with him and some other Lodge officials along with two other men who wish to become Masons. I was given my petition at the end of our meeting, and encouraged to get it in "quickly" so they can get it before the Lodge and set up a home visit by the Investigating Committee. I will be mailing it and my initiation fee next week and then I will begin waiting. They seem be to very enthusaistic about accepting new members, though. They did say that if we am accepted, they would have us going through our Blue Lodge degrees in about three months to become Master Masons if we learned fast enough.

    I'll be watching your blog and posting with comments as I make my own journey. I hope things work out so we can formally greet over the web as Brother Masons sometime in the next few months.

  2. Firstly thanks for checking out my blog, never done one before and you are the first to post. Second, congrats on your progress so far. What do you think the home visit will be like? Looks like I may have to wait till the fall to be raised, so be it.

    Looking forward as well, when we can meet as Brethren! Cheers!

  3. I was told the home visit is rather informal...they ask questions about your job and lifestyle and the like. I was told, if you have a wife, they want her present and they will question her more than you (to make certain the spouse has no objections to her husband joining Freemasonry). They did say because they support family, if the wife has any objections, they terminate the interview and leave (and of course, you will then not be recommended).

    Luckily, my wife not only knows of my quest, she is also intrigued by it and wants to join Eastern Star with me after I am Raised.

    I'll keep you posted on my progress.
