Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Say hello to your new FellowCraft!

Proud to say I went though my proficiency tonight with flying colors! What made me feel the best about what happened tonite, was that I was able show my respect and admiration for the brothers in my Lodge by giving the best possible demonstration of my work! Looking forward to learning my new work and presenting it as best I can!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My EA Proficiency!

This morning we had our practice and a testing of my proficiency of the Entered Apprentice degree. I am proud to say I had it all down word for word. One of the three candidates who I was initiated with, was not able to attend and is not able prove up. The other candidate, I really felt bad for. He had the majority of the ceremony memorized but had not been able to get the obligation down and will not be able to be passed either. During my own recital of the obligation I started shaking uncontrollably. I can't figure out why, I know the work and I wasn't especially nervous about reciting it in front of a crowd but just couldn't stop shaking. I could feel the power of the words as I spoke them and believe wholeheartedly in what I am saying, why then do I start shaking like a damn leaf in the wind? Maybe it was just worrying about getting it all right, and now that I know everything is indeed locked in my head Tuesday night will be a cake walk and I can be a bit more relaxed! All in all it has been an exciting and fantastic start to my journey in Freemasonry, and I am very much looking forward to being passed to FellowCraft on Tuesday evening!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wow, there's still more room in there!

Well I thought I had taken up all available room in my brain with anniversary dates, useless trivia and even more useless part numbers. But no, I have actually managed to memorize my obligation. Actually I had it down solid by the middle of last week and now have moved on to the Q&A sections, which to me seem to be a little more difficult. Since it will be a back and forth exercise, it has been a little tougher for me to get square in my head. Although with two weeks to go I'm feeling pretty confident I'll have it all down pat.

On another note, about a week and half ago I had the opportunity to take advantage of our privilege as Freemasons, and that is visiting others Lodges. I was invited to witness the EA degree only 3 days after my own had been conferred, at Southern Cross #44! It was a great honor to represent my own Lodge for the first time and meet more great men! Also seeing the degree presented so soon after my own allowed me to witness how the Brethren work together to bring new men in, and how sincere and solemn these men are in their extension of Brotherly Love. I was even invited to take part in the ceremony at pivotal point for the new candidates! We were also lucky enough to have the acting WM give us a lecture on the Officer's chairs and our responsibility to educate ourselves in preparation of being seated in those chairs in the following years. I did unfortunatley have to leave at the end of the meeting that night and was not able to stay for the festive board, but like another Mason has said before me 'I came through and I shall return!' Thanks again to the Brothers of Southern Cross for a wonderful evening!