My beginning endeavour into Freemaosnry feels somewhat like starting a long road trip. First there is a certain amount of planning and preparation prior to starting out down the road, and this journey of mine is no different. I spent time researching and learning what I could about my local Lodges, as well as info from other juresdictions, articles on Anti-Freemasonry, videos made by Masons. I almost purchased a copy of my Province's constitution I found in a used book store.
I am unrelenting in my pursuit of knowledge, but what I have found is almost too much information, and I have to take a break and decompress a bit. I even thought about going down to my local Lodge the other night and introducing myself, but remembered what the Secretary had told me about the speed at which the Lodge moves at, and I resigned myself to waiting for the next contact. Although I feel prepared for the journey about to begin, it almost feels like I have to manouver through a gauntlet of check points and guards to check my rediness for the road ahead. I am ready to put the foot to the floor, but I notice to speed limit is set much lower!
Although not even initiated I already have noticed my day to day dealings are starting to be tempered with a new sense of purpose and outlook for the future. Why can't all men whether affiliated or not treat each other with brotherly affection, truth, and equality? Does it mean you will have to bite your tongue at times? Yes. Does it mean you will have to extend you hand to a man who doesn't deserve it? Yes. Does it mean you will have to be truthful to be sincere? Yes.
I want to live this way regardless of the fact that I am a Mason or not. To be a Mason, I suppose is to hold these values close to heart, and defend them utterly! What a wonderful obligation!
Ever notice that things that appeared all over the place no seem to disapppear when you start looking for them. I swear I saw compass and squares on about every second car prior to my reaching out, but I haven't seen but one since. It was a Shriner ensignia on a moped carried by a van as I sped down the highway on the way to work. I am especially trying to find them in and around the city I live in hoping to 'bump' into a local Lodge member and at least get my face in a few heads before I actually get to Lodge. Just seems like on of those weird things in life, like how you are more apt to notice a vehicle if it is the same make and model of your own. It can be difficult to find people to trust, to talk to about my feelings. It would be great if I could find myself a local Mason to bounce my feelings and ideas off of. again. I liked your comments, and I have also been reading a great deal about Freemasonry, both in a book I purchased ("Freemasonry for Dummies") and on the Web. I'm quite enthusiastic about the community service angle and helping others through Freemasonry.
ReplyDeleteI also gave a phone call to my contact at the Lodge, a very nice Deputy District Grand Master in my State. He was helpful and said that not only have they received my petition and check, they received in in time to appoint my Investigating Committee in Lodge last night and that I should be hearing from them VERY soon to set up my home visit. I think they are trying to arrange it so they can possibly ballot on myself and the other candidate interested in that Lodge that I met at our Lodge Tour so that they might be able to vote on us next month. It depends upon whether the committee can visit us within that month and (hopefully) give a good report.
So far, it seems promising. I am quite enthusiastic. Any news from your potential Lodge yet? By the way, if I can ask, which Lodge are you petitioning to join, and in which State?
Sounds like you are moving along nicely, maybe I can live vicariously through you for now! I haven't heard anything from anyone since I talked to the GS. I am sure you will be initiated soon, and the investigation will go smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI am petitioning The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Say that one three times fast! In my city there is one Lodge but two different Lodges meet there, Ionic-Kent #19 and Mount Zion #120. The GS said they would decide which would be the appropriate Lodge for me to join and that someone would contact me. So I patiently wait. However I am on the look out for window stickers, any old men in full size sedans are my target right now. I'd just love to meet a local Mason so I can have a bit of a sounding board, someone to talk to! With all the information on the internet it's tough to know what is truthful and what is not. Can't wait till i hear back and can actually meet some men fron my community.
What Lodge are you petitioning btw?
ReplyDeleteI am petitioning Jerusalem Lodge #506 in Philadelphia under the authority of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. They are one of about five or six different Lodges that meet in our local Lodge Building at 4400 Magee Avenue In Philadelphia. They are about four miles away from my residence. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania actually meets in Philadelphia "downtown" (although in Philly, we always call it "In Center City") in a very impressive Masonic Temple at 1 North Broad Street across from Philadelphia City Hall. The Grand Lodge has about eight huge meeting rooms inside it done in different architectural styles, including an Egyptian Room with real heiroglyhpics on the walls. They showed us the inside of the Grand Lodge in our orientation video; it looked very impressive.
ReplyDeleteI saw the inside of our Lodge meeting room in a tour we took; it is all blue on the inside with a very old-looking altar and matching stations for the Master and his Wardens. We were told we'd see it again on the night of our intitaions.
Good luck on hearing back from your Lodge elders. I am now awaiting the letter that will tell me when the Investigating Committee will be by.
I had put this up previously (I'm not sure what happened to the comment?) Jerusalem Lodge #506 in Philadelphia. There are 5 or 6 Lodges that meet in that building.
ReplyDeleteAnd my journey continues! I heard from the Examining Committee and we arranged for them to come over on Tuesday night (June 2nd) to speak with my wife and I.
ReplyDeleteGetting the apartment cleaned up in a hurry!
Oh, and I didn't get a letter. I just got a friendly phone call (message on my cell) last night from one of the Committee members. Got in touch with him after work today to set it up. It also turns out the fellow I spoke with is the stepfather of a co-worker who sits five cubicles down from me at work.
I'm both scared and excited! Heard from your Elders yet?
The Investigating Committee was just over! My wife and I met with two members of the Lodge, a fellow named Matt and a fellow named Jerry.
ReplyDeleteThe meeting with the Committee was more informal than we thought. They had a formal bit where they read my Petition back to me and asked me if I was joining the Fraternity of my own free will. I said "yes". They talked somewhat about their charitable works and rituals, and my wife had some questions about Eastern Star that they answered. Gail was very supportive, and they left after about twenty minutes. I asked when I'd be voted on, and they said "in about two or three weeks". They then said I'd receive a letter admitting me to the Fraternity and telling me when to come to the Lodge for Intitaion. When they left, they said, "We're sure you'll be getting that letter in a while." (!!) Sounds good!
Sorry, just excited....
I just got an interesting phone began "Greetings from the East..." and it was an automated message from the Lodge Secretary reminding me of the next meeting! It's a bit of a head-scratcher-since I haven't been voted in yet (the meeting is Thursday night) and I obviously have not gotten my letter yet...maybe if I'm on the automated list of reminder messages already, they guess that the Investigating Committee must have recommended me and this is a portent the vote will probably be positive? (??) Confused yet excited.
ReplyDeleteSounds like everything is progressing along just as it should be! I'm sure you will be balloted in! Good Luck!