Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sweating Bullets!

Well the day finally came and my soon to be Brethren voted to confer the degree of Entered Apprentice on me. On Tuesday, evening the good men of Mt. Zion #120 in beautiful Chilliwack BC, agreed that I am worthy to receive the light of Freemasonry! My sponsor had told me he would call me after the vote to let me know how it went. I stayed up until 11pm, about an hour after my regular bedtime awaiting his call. No call came, my mind started to race. Was I blackballed, was the vote postponed, was it simply too late and he didn't call out of courtesy. Damn I worry too much. So I called him around 10am; no answer...........right, it went poorly now he's avoiding me, not wanting to burst my bubble so to speak! So all day I wait, no call. 6pm arrives I'm off work, I call. My sponser answers and tells me that he was going to call the next day, keeping me in suspense! 'The vote was a favorable one', he says, 'initiation will be late October!'. I am so stoked! Just wish there was something I could do in the meantime, besides wait! Oh well, color me excited!


  1. This may sound goofy, but the month will be over before you know it and it will be late October.

    Did you find out your exact degree date yet?

    I was at a Lodge dinner tonight (they had dinner between parts of the Stated Meeting) and everyone was impressed at my progress. They are starting to talk about getting me fitted for a tux. (gulp). It was a great night...we had great Snapper soup, and this time next week, I should be a Fellowcraft.

  2. EA to be confered on October 20th. I recieved official notification through the mail as to the date, what to wear, time to show up etc. I have even gone and purchased a new blue shirt and tie in honor of the Blue Lodge! There has been no talk of dinner/s for me and my Lodge :(. I hope there are as I am a bit of a foodie, and would love to share a meal or even cook for my brothers! Sounds like you are having alot of fun, Good luck on your FC!

  3. Glad to hear the great news! I see October 20th is a Tuesday, so I will be thinking of your initiation that night. Hope they feed you a nice dinner. Lodge is not the same without FOOD. Talk soon!
