Saturday, January 23, 2010

Newly Raised!

On Tuesday night I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. It was an unbelievable night! The Past Masters did an incredible job, and made it a truly unforgetable event!

Me on the lower right!

At the festive board I was asked to say a few words. I presented this poem  I wrote.

With a deep breath and steeled resolve
he walked to towards the door
Met a man with a square on his hand
And a petition he did have

Months go by and questions pry
as the investigators visit
to query the man and comfort his bride
about the road ahead

Members call and keep in touch
as the decision day draws near
nerves on edge and patienced tested
as he waits for the word he wants to hear

the word is good, and a day is set
all the priciples are there
strange clothes, a cable tow
and hoodwink blocks the light

round and round the lodge he's led
on shakey knees the oath is said
first steps, unfamiliar words
grips and tokens are exchanged

a new family of brothers
gained from otherwise strangers
a fraternity born in antiquity
that survived the trials of history

entereds passed and fellows raised
past masters at the ready
to help the new man find his way
to keep his path strong and steady

and then the day comes to pass the test
and recieve his masters apron
the heavy burden upon his waist
he's learned to wear it proud

begin to put the lessons learned
to good and useful work
and bring good report to his Lodge
from all of those he serves

and one day when he is called
to be the master of his temple
he will have learned all he knows
from the best example.


  1. Congratulations brother! I do not think I will ever get up to that part of Canada to sit in lodge with you but maybe someday I will, it looks like you had quite a great night. The apron you are wearing, is that lodge provided?

  2. Yeah the apron is covered by the lodge!

  3. Hello, JP. I'm glad to see everything went fine. I trust the ceremony was meaningful. Nice to see some old friends like Al and Eric and Sig in the picture; Al was a DeMolay Advisor when I was a member up there a long time ago.

    We conducted a raising last night and it seemed to go fine, though our numbers were small. Two of our EAs came out and sat outside during the degree, a third from another Lodge arrived late.


  4. Sounds like you are busy rebuilding the ranks!

  5. Jean-Paul:

    Congratulations on your raising! I'm trying to bring a co-worker of mine into my Lodge.(Pennsylvania allows this now). He asked me some questions and showed some interest...I'm going to bring him an info folder (That Grand Lodge prepared for this purpose) and a petition later in the week. Wish me luck, and if you'll de doing the same soon for your Lodge, good luck as well.

  6. Oh, the poem is really neat, too. Also summed up my feelings upon being Raised. Send me a private msg via Facebook so that you can let me know in more detail how it went and how you felt becoming a full Brother of Master Hiram? Take care.

  7. Welcome brother! I too was just became a Master Mason this past Tuesday. Great poem.

  8. The Problem in our society are the Freemasons, aka masons. If they were to disappear, the world would be a farrrr.....better place!

    Masonry, the sure path to ruin. You may not see it now in the beginning, but you will as you progress in the craft and further yourself away from God and your Christian faith...

    For starters, masons are interested ONLY in accepting those that hold some position of importance or authority in society. If it is a would be or actual politician than even better! Masons do NOT accept regular joes, homeless, or unimportant lazy folk. Second, the hook is the so-called Believe in a Higher Being nonsense (be it Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim etc.). Third, as the mason progresses through the stages in the craft, the end goal for him is to realize that He does not need God because the transformation has occurred whereby the member realizes he is a God unto himself. Moreover, the ceremonies he participates in are Occult period and anti-Catholic (Christian), Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist. They are demonic period.
    Fourth, it is the duty of every mason not to knowingly or wittingly do harm, talk bad about or tell on his fellow mason. And, when a fellow mason is in need or danger to help him above all else. Therefore, this is the WHY it is so simple for the pedophiles within the occult mason organization to easily rape, molest, enter children with impunity. Some use mikey Finn, or simply get vulnerable children in exchange for cash to their families who need it. No fellow mason can, or is allowed by their own acceptance of the rules when entering the craft, to "tell" on one another. Hence, the perfect crime.
    Fifth, just to clarify, the end game of masonry, which also is the de facto mission of the occult, is to slowly like hairloss, have it's members deconstruct all that is descent and Holy in society. Masonry and Catholicism are non-congruent. This is why every mason has a duty to oppress society (one of the masonic central tenets is: Through Chaos Comes Order, and it is the masons that will establish their occult order unto society). This is the reason why they work hard to destroy all that is sanctity in society and impose demonic teachings (For example: no Lord's prayer, gays and lesbians and 1/2 and 1/2 are a good thing,not a mental disorder which it is and if you oppose this you are racist of some sort. Have an abortion because it is not a human you have inside you but a piece of pepperoni, flood countries with muslims who NEVER integrate and are shut-in and by nature only impose on all their religious ways of thinking at all costs etc.).
    And lastly, If one is a Catholic one cannot become a freemason. DO NOT be fooled by the masons and their lies. It is a mortal sin and excommunication to follow. If it were up to me i would banish masonry peiod, jail the pedophiles and bring forth to the Hague International Court all masons to pay for their Crimes Against Humanity. Hopefully, some day, this will occur.
