Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Mystery of 7 Pershing Nevada!

         I recently won a neat peice of memorabelia Ebay: a Shriner Bobblehead or Nodder! A real nice vintage piece, complete with plaster head! The little fellow came with a bonus, Garrison style hat you can see below!

           Given the design of this hat, it seems to have some kind of  'Shriner-esqueness' about it. I have been in contact with the in Nevada to see if they had any ideas and am waiting to hear back, but in the mean time I thought I would post it here and see if any readers could help me identifiy where this came from and if it is indeed anything related to Freemasonry or if it is a coincidental piece of headware with no connection whats so ever! All I know for sure is that there is/was no Shriner temple in Pershing, NV, and the 7 relates to an entirely different state if it is in fact a Shrine reference. Thanks in advance for any info!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Where to go from here?

I've found it tough to decide on appropriate material to post here, since this is a public blog and not limited to just Brethren. Being a 'freshman' to the Craft I don't feel I have enough tenure or understanding to really get into discussing the goings-on in other districts or countries either. I'll try and post news tidbits and other positive stories to keep this blog alive with the odd smattering of what is happening in my own Lodge. So to kick that off.....

Snipped from the pages of the GL BC and Y, Bulletin:

The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario reports that their Grand Master MW Bro. Raymond Daniels has granted dispensation to establish a lodge in Afghanistan for our brethren serving in the Armed Forces. Throughout Ontario’s masonic history the rĂ´le played by military lodges has been significant. This project has been actively pursued for almost five years. Dispensation was granted to work under authority of the warrant of Trent Lodge No. 38. W. Bro. Rick Fulford, serving with the fire services in Kandahar, has agreed to act as Worshipful Master to open the lodge in the first degree for the purpose of providing fraternal experience for freemasons from Ontario and any other recognized jurisdiction. In addition to providing fraternal support away from home, the work of the lodge will consist of discussion and presentations in masonic education.

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time for an Update!

      Ok, after a couple of months of silence i am finally ready to update this here blog. And it has been a busy couple of months!

       At the end of February a friend and I attended an open house at Cloverdale #168 of the GLBC&Y. They had a great program, with several speakers including the editor of our GL newsletter VW Bro. Trevor W. McKeown, who gave a fantastic power point presentation on Freemasonry in the movies! He had over a hundred examples showing how the perception of the Craft has changed through the years goning from positive to the negative and how it has been slowly making its way back to the positive side of the spectrum. One of the Brethren also gave the crowd gathered that night the 'Address to the Brethren' given at our installations, he did it word perfect while strolling about the Lodge, it was amazing! It was also cool to find out that the WM of the lodge, Guy Olsson, was a fellow I had met years before when we both worked for the same company! Great to see him again under such cool circumstances!

       Nooksack Valley Lodge #105 conferred their first FellowCraft degree in 14 years and I was there to watch. Again it was in full costume! Wor. Bro. Mike Beaudry and his officers did an amazing job in making this degree a memorable one for all involved! I hear the Lodge's Degree Team will be putting their hard work to use at some other Lodges this summer, surely a testament to their devotion to great ritual!

        And last but not least my Lodge's Installations took place this past Saturday! First, I have never seen more Masons at my lodge until then, every seat was occupied, with about 60 - 65 men in attendance. About 10 different Lodges including the GL were represented. Our outgoing WM Jonathan Miller was replaced by Bro. Ivan Hamilton who had spent a great deal of time getting the whole day organized, and every bit came off without a hitch! I was installed as Chaplain, and gave my first grace........ever, that night. I found a nice old one from a UGLE handbook I found on-line. Dinner was great and I got to meet alot of 'significant others' that night. I am looking forward to a great year in my chair, and really being an active participant in Lodge workings!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Newly Raised!

On Tuesday night I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. It was an unbelievable night! The Past Masters did an incredible job, and made it a truly unforgetable event!

Me on the lower right!

At the festive board I was asked to say a few words. I presented this poem  I wrote.

With a deep breath and steeled resolve
he walked to towards the door
Met a man with a square on his hand
And a petition he did have

Months go by and questions pry
as the investigators visit
to query the man and comfort his bride
about the road ahead

Members call and keep in touch
as the decision day draws near
nerves on edge and patienced tested
as he waits for the word he wants to hear

the word is good, and a day is set
all the priciples are there
strange clothes, a cable tow
and hoodwink blocks the light

round and round the lodge he's led
on shakey knees the oath is said
first steps, unfamiliar words
grips and tokens are exchanged

a new family of brothers
gained from otherwise strangers
a fraternity born in antiquity
that survived the trials of history

entereds passed and fellows raised
past masters at the ready
to help the new man find his way
to keep his path strong and steady

and then the day comes to pass the test
and recieve his masters apron
the heavy burden upon his waist
he's learned to wear it proud

begin to put the lessons learned
to good and useful work
and bring good report to his Lodge
from all of those he serves

and one day when he is called
to be the master of his temple
he will have learned all he knows
from the best example.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

One Closes and Another Begins..

Well this will be the last weekend before I am raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Every lunch hour has been spent studying for my FC proficiency. There are still a couple of parts where I leave off a word, or I twist a couple up, but overall I'm feeling really good about delivering a solid performance of the work that has been assigned to me. Tomorrow morning will be our practice and my first chance to run through the work with the officers of my Lodge. I am much more at ease this go around than I was for my EA proficiency. It will also be a Past Masters night, so from what I understand all the officers chairs will be filled with PMs and of course all the work done by them as well. I think it will make the night and experience just that much more special.

This Tuesday night does come with a sense that this important and emotional step into Freemasonry will be coming to an end, and for that I am a bit sad. It has been a very cool experience and eye opening. As I enter a society of men who prize honor and virtue above the external advantages of rank and fortune, I plan on being a foot soldier for Masonry in this new millennium, and as one of my bros. put it 'Time is my ally'. There is no reason why Freemasonry cannot have a resurgence in popularity in these times, and there are many reasons why it should.

On Tuesday night I will be receive my master's apron and the first chapter of my Masonic life will come to a close. This past chapter is one that, has been for the most part set in stone, with a very distinct set of steps and work that follows rules and guidelines that have been laid out for hundreds of years. The next chapters are mine to write, and with help of my fellow brethren I hope to have a long and fruitful career as I explore the history and create my own, within this wonderful institution!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Please stand by!

I am experiencing techinical difficulties! The power adapter for my laptop died and I have been without my computer for about 2 weeks nows. The new one should arrive Monday or Tuesday, new post to follow!