Monday, May 17, 2010

Where to go from here?

I've found it tough to decide on appropriate material to post here, since this is a public blog and not limited to just Brethren. Being a 'freshman' to the Craft I don't feel I have enough tenure or understanding to really get into discussing the goings-on in other districts or countries either. I'll try and post news tidbits and other positive stories to keep this blog alive with the odd smattering of what is happening in my own Lodge. So to kick that off.....

Snipped from the pages of the GL BC and Y, Bulletin:

The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario reports that their Grand Master MW Bro. Raymond Daniels has granted dispensation to establish a lodge in Afghanistan for our brethren serving in the Armed Forces. Throughout Ontario’s masonic history the rĂ´le played by military lodges has been significant. This project has been actively pursued for almost five years. Dispensation was granted to work under authority of the warrant of Trent Lodge No. 38. W. Bro. Rick Fulford, serving with the fire services in Kandahar, has agreed to act as Worshipful Master to open the lodge in the first degree for the purpose of providing fraternal experience for freemasons from Ontario and any other recognized jurisdiction. In addition to providing fraternal support away from home, the work of the lodge will consist of discussion and presentations in masonic education.

Have a great day everyone!